Monday 14 November 2011


OK, so we (Mulder and Scully) are shortly departing for our tour of Asia.

Tickets - check
Travel insurance - check
Camera - check
A squillion other items to try and stuff into a rucksack - check (packed2much is not a euphemism!)

I doubt there is anything we have forgotten as I have numerous lists of things to buy, find, borrow and pack. - That said, do you know where the note I wrote telling me where these lists is......?! ;)

We shall try and update you throughout our trip and post photos and no doubt the odd video of what we probably thought was amazing at the time. - They are likely to be intermittent so hang in there!

Follow us to see what we are up to if you dare. - Best case you will like what you read/see. Worst case, you can quickly log off and pretend you loved everything we posted when we get back (you can even say you have seen all our photos and we will be none the wiser and you can avoid the photo night!).

First stop is Vietnam. Hanoi to be precise.

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