Wednesday 30 November 2011

Hello! Blog page changed so I can upload iPhone photos so ou can see some of what we are without waiting until I can upload from the normal camera. New blog address is: See ya on the other blog! Scully x

Sunday 27 November 2011

Chicken - Hanoi style

Good morning!

It's 12:21am here in Hanoi and after a short sleep my body is telling me there isn't going to be any more anytime soon.

Mulder is peacefully sleeping away (well jell) and I wish I was too.....

Our first experience of Hanoi has been interesting.

Having arrived and found our room we chilled for a bit and then put into action operation 'stay awake'. Having roamed the many (and confusing) streets of the city we settled for our first drink in the infamous 'kangaroo bar'. - a great little place recommended in the Lonely Planet for frog racing and darts (none of which I could see though their hospitality was lovely as we chatted with an American called Chris about all things 'Top Gear' and rather unsurprisingly a nod from him as to how much he loved Faulty Towers).

Now the streets of Hanoi are, shall we say eventful. The pavements are covered (and I do mean covered) with parked mopeds so you practically have to walk in the road most of the time to fave even more of the things!

Families pile on to them including two year olds sit in the front of them as their parents weave uncautiously in and out of anything in their path (which includeds Mulder and I).

To cross the roads here (and you need to every few
minutes) one has to simply (not the sarcasm of the use of 'simply'please) walk out into the rad directly infront of the mopeds and cars and weave your own way through the onslaught of traffic and hope they see you.

I know Mulder wants to take a Tuk Tuk today though I admit unless the local pharmacy has a good stock of tenna lady I will be even more reluctant as I know I am going to pee my
pants with the experience. - I mean walking is one thin. You are in charge of there, but the Tuk Tuks here come evenore perilously close to almost certain collision.....!!!

Today once we are up we will do some site seeing no doubt and take in a show at the famous Water Puppet theatre and book a boat tour of Halong Bay for later this week.

I might even try and buy some wooden flooring - an odd thing I know but as the mattresses here are so hard, I thought it would be nice to put something softer on mine so I have a chance of sleeping to tonight ;)

Photos to follow once we figure out a place to upload from.

Off to try and get a bit more sleep.

Scully :)

Saturday 26 November 2011

Just landed....

Hey peeps!

Mulder and I have just landed in Kualar Lumpur.

We are both shattered and look forward to reaching Hanoi in about 5 hours.

I has forgotten about the joys of long haul (it's been a while since my last alien abduction and you've got to give it to the the little green men - they sure know how to travel!).

So, Mulder and I are sat in a very quaint local coffee house in the airport (have you heard of Starbucks....?!) and both look like two tired grockels)

Here's to a shower, fresh air and walk about in Hanoi before hitting what I hope is a clean bed!

Until the next blog

Mulder and Scully

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Holey Moley!

We fly on Saturday. That's right, this Saturday!!!!

Where the heck did the time go??  I am starting to feel a little anxious now.....

Will I last 7 weeks? Will Mulder snore too much? Will the bathrooms be clean? Will my Deet spray actually work? Will I like Asian food?  Will I have time for naps?!

Not that I am over thinking this. No, of course not. That would be ridiculous ;)

The next two days are going to be hectic.  Interview for my chartered status, jabs, job interview, pack, etc etc

Will two torches be enough? Should I pack long socks  in case we go in the jungle? Will I need more trousers? - Oh well, such questions will all be answered over the next few weeks and I am told it is easy to pick things up over there anyway.

I am packing the fantastic multi size plug and door wedge my lovely friend bought me as well as the bed liner to sleep in from my other delightful buddies.

Worst case, my bag will be so heavy I will come back with toned muscles so it's all good really.

The next time I write I will no doubt be Vietnam feeling fine and dandy!

Until the next blog


Wednesday 16 November 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like..... (No, not Christmas!)

Today is the first real day I have started to feel excited about our soon to be travels.

Don't get me wrong. I have been looking forward to our adventure for a while, though today is the first day I have a huge grin across my face and a sense of excitement!

I think it might have something to do with the numerous packages that keep arriving with travel items purchased from a variety of internet stores and the fact that my lovely friend has kindly agreed to take up the trekking trousers I bought ( I am such a short a*se and am thinking about making a matching bandanna from the cut offs :o )

The only things left on my "buy" list (yes, I found the note) is gaffa tape which I am reliably told is a wonderous travel item with multiple uses including taping up the bottom of doors so creepy crawlies can not get in and re-sealable sandwhich bags for odd items.  (I am guessing you defo don't need to know that I am also buying some new pants too.....)

So, the spare room is covered in all the travel items I somehow need to fit into the rucksack, and I still haven't added clothes to the pile yet. Thank goodness Mulder will have space in his rucksack (well he will after I take a few items out and obviously blame it on aliens.....)

Until the next blog

Scully :)

Monday 14 November 2011


OK, so we (Mulder and Scully) are shortly departing for our tour of Asia.

Tickets - check
Travel insurance - check
Camera - check
A squillion other items to try and stuff into a rucksack - check (packed2much is not a euphemism!)

I doubt there is anything we have forgotten as I have numerous lists of things to buy, find, borrow and pack. - That said, do you know where the note I wrote telling me where these lists is......?! ;)

We shall try and update you throughout our trip and post photos and no doubt the odd video of what we probably thought was amazing at the time. - They are likely to be intermittent so hang in there!

Follow us to see what we are up to if you dare. - Best case you will like what you read/see. Worst case, you can quickly log off and pretend you loved everything we posted when we get back (you can even say you have seen all our photos and we will be none the wiser and you can avoid the photo night!).

First stop is Vietnam. Hanoi to be precise.